Psychology, Applied


  • Managers' Assessments of Employees' Organizational Career Growth Opportunities: The Role of Extra-Role Performance, Work Engagement, and Perceived Organizational Commitment(29 citations)

  • The cross-cultural moderators of the influence of emotional intelligence on organizational citizenship behavior and counterproductive work behavior(24 citations)

  • I guess that is fair: How the efforts of other customers influence buyer price fairness perceptions(22 citations)

  • Job insecurity and subjective sleep quality: The role of spillover and gender(13 citations)

  • The balance between positive and negative affect in employee well-being(8 citations)

  • The Effects of Expertise and Social Status on Team Member Influence and the Moderating Roles of Intragroup Conflicts(7 citations)

  • Customer courtesy and service performance: The roles of self-efficacy and social context(2 citations)

  • Predicting Body-Esteem Based on Type of Sexual Victimization Experience(1 citations)

  • Predicting College Women's Self-esteem Based on Verbal Coercion Experience and Verbal Tactic Items on the Revised Sexual Experiences Survey(1 citations)