Behavioral Sciences

"Behavioral sciences explore the cognitive processes within organisms and the behavioral interactions between organisms in the natural world. It involves the systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behavior through controlled and naturalistic observation, and disciplined scientific experimentation." - wikipedia

Personnel & Activity


  • Biol

  • Biol Sci

  • Commun

  • Geog & Geosci

Research Themes

  • Habitual Routes

  • Cognitive Mapping

  • Intraindividual Differences

  • Spatial Encoding

  • Intersection Choice

Influential Faculty

  • Hunter, Kimberly L.
    6 Articles, 51 Citations

  • Taylor, Ryan C.
    6 Articles, 51 Citations

  • Presotto, Andrea
    3 Articles, 33 Citations

  • Coss, Derek A.
    4 Articles, 29 Citations

Influential Articles

  • 'Crazy love': nonlinearity and irrationality in mate choice (22 citations)

  • Spatial mapping shows that some African elephants use cognitive maps to navigate the core but not the periphery of their home ranges (16 citations)

  • Why do females sing?-pair communication and other song functions in eastern bluebirds (16 citations)