Mathematical & Computational Biology

"Mathematical and computational biology involves the development and application of mathematical models, computational techniques, and theoretical frameworks to study biological systems. This interdisciplinary field aims to gain a deeper understanding of complex biological processes by using mathematical and computational tools to analyze and interpret biological data. Researchers in mathematical and computational biology work on a wide range of topics, including modeling biological networks, simulating biological systems, and predicting the behavior of biological molecules. By combining principles from mathematics, computer science, and biology, this field helps researchers uncover new insights into the fundamental principles of life." - wikipedia

Personnel & Activity


  • Math Sci

Research Themes

  • Population Dispersal

  • Common Ancestor Analysis

  • Habitat Dynamics

  • Population Isolation

Influential Faculty

  • Teller, Kyle G.
    1 Article, 0 Citations

Influential Articles

  • Determining the most recent common ancestor in a finite linear habitat with asymmetric dispersal (0 citations)