Physics, Particles & Fields
"Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the nature of particles that are the constituents of matter and radiation. Although the word particle can refer to various types of very small objects (e.g. protons, gas particles, or even household dust), "particle physics" usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the fundamental interactions necessary to explain their behaviour. By our current understanding, these elementary particles are excitations of the quantum fields that also govern their interactions." - wikipedia
Personnel & Activity
1 Faculty
- 1 Departments
1 Articles
- 67 Total Citations
- 67 Citation Per Article
Math & Comp Sci
Research Themes
Effective Field Theories
Bayesian Inference
Chiral Effective Field Theory
Parameter Estimation
NN Potential Estimation
Influential Faculty
Wesolowski, S.
1 Article, 67 Citations
Influential Articles
Exploring Bayesian parameter estimation for chiral effective field theory using nucleon-nucleon phase shifts (67 citations)