Psychology, Biological

"Biological psychology, also known as biopsychology, is a field in psychology that analyzes how thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are influenced by biological factors. This branch of psychology examines how the brain, nervous system, hormones, and genetics impact an individual's mental processes and behavior. Biological psychologists study a wide range of topics, including brain structure and function, neurotransmitters, genetics, and the effects of various biological processes on psychological phenomena." - wikipedia

Personnel & Activity


  • Biol Sci

Research Themes

  • Chemical Communication

  • Sex Differences in Behavior

  • Social Behavior

  • Reproductive Strategies

Influential Faculty

  • Freeman, Angela R.
    1 Article, 1 Citations

Influential Articles

  • Sex differences in social odor discrimination by southern giant pouched rats (Cricetomys ansorgei) (1 citations)