Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

"Sustainable technology is the application of technology to promote sustainable development. It includes technologies designed to use resources in a sustainable manner, taking into account the long-term impact on the environment. Green technology, on the other hand, focuses on creating products and processes that are environmentally friendly. Both fields aim to reduce the ecological impact of human activities and promote a more sustainable future. - wikipedia"

Personnel & Activity


  • Informat & Decis Sci

  • Geog & Geosci

Research Themes

  • Education's Role in Disaster Awareness

  • PISA 2018 Science Test Results

  • Relationship between Education and WRI

  • Frequency, Magnitude, and Exposure of Natural Hazards

  • Correlation between Education Factor and WRI Parameters

Influential Faculty

  • Cha, Hoon S.
    1 Article, 5 Citations

  • Scott, Michael
    1 Article, 2 Citations

Influential Articles

  • Sustainability Calculus in Adopting Smart Speakers-Personalized Services and Privacy Risks (5 citations)

  • The Role of Education in Increasing Awareness and Reducing Impact of Natural Hazards (2 citations)