
"Zoology is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct. Zoology is a diverse field that encompasses a wide range of topics, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals." - wikipedia

Personnel & Activity


  • Environm Sci

  • Biol Sci

  • Biol

  • Geog & Geosci

Research Themes

  • Impact of Human Activities on Animal Traditions

  • Tool Use in Non-Human Primates

  • Remote Sensing and Imagery Analysis

  • Predictive Modeling for Land Cover Changes

  • Private Conservation Efforts

Influential Faculty

  • Taylor, Ryan C.
    7 Articles, 60 Citations

  • Hunter, Kimberly L.
    6 Articles, 51 Citations

  • Presotto, Andrea
    6 Articles, 48 Citations

  • Coss, Derek A.
    4 Articles, 29 Citations

Influential Articles

  • 'Crazy love': nonlinearity and irrationality in mate choice (22 citations)

  • Spatial mapping shows that some African elephants use cognitive maps to navigate the core but not the periphery of their home ranges (16 citations)

  • Why do females sing?-pair communication and other song functions in eastern bluebirds (16 citations)